How to fix CE-33991-5 Error Code


CE-33991-5 PS4 Error Code

Make sure You have the fastest DNS Server

Fix CE-33991-5 PS4 Error Code, Represents the network cable connection, 2 represents the WIFI connection, which one are you, look at the networking, except for DNS, nothing is changed, generally does not fail, seconds. Update your PlayStation first, Click Here

CE-33991-5 PS4 Error Solved

Your IP is manual, Change to automatic, Try It.

  • [Settings] > [Network] > [Test Internet Connection] (LAN or Wi-Fi) to confirm you can connect to the internet.
  • Go to IP address Settings > Select Manual
  • And just change or set 8.8.8 as your primary DNS and as your secondary DNS.

We Have a Article on how to get latest version of PS4, Ps4 Update Downlaod

  1. CE-33991-5 PS4 Error Code is a problem connecting in your local network or in the game server are unavailable. Check the psn status and check that all the services are working. If there is an issue, its simple follow the steps or contact Sony fix your problem.
  2. Rebook your network and disconnect your router and disconnect your console as while. remove all the cables and wait for 10 mins before connecting the power
  3. Change the DNS, reset the router, put fixed IP, automatic again, retry the connection as it puts on the internet

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